OptunaHub / Visualization

Timeline Plot

Plot the timeline of a study.

Terminator Improvement Plot

Plot the potentials for future objective improvement.

Slice Plot

Plot the parameter relationship as slice plot in a study.

Rank Plot

Plot parameter relations as scatter plots with colors indicating ranks of target value.

Pareto-front Plot

Plot the Pareto front of a study.

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Plot the high-dimensional parameter relationships in a study.

Optimization History Plot

Plot optimization history of all trials in a study.

Intermediate Values Plot

Plot intermediate values of all trials in a study.

Hypervolume History Plot

Plot hypervolume history of all trials in a study.

Empirical Distribution Function Plot

Plot the objective value EDF (empirical distribution function) of a study.

Contour Plot

Plot the parameter relationship as contour plot in a study.