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The WFG Problem Collection

The WFG Problem Collection (Huband et al. 2006) is a widely-used benchmark suite for multi-objective optimization. This package is a wrapper of the optproblems library.


This package provides a wrapper of the optproblems library’s WFG test suite, which consists of 9 kinds of continuous problems with variadic objectives and variables. For the details of the benchmark problems, please take a look at the original paper (Huband et al., 2006) in the reference section.


class Problem(function_id: int, n_objectives: int, dimension: int, k: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

  • function_id: Function ID of the WFG problem in [1, 9].
  • n_objectives: Number of objectives.
  • dimension: Number of variables.
  • k: Number of position parameters. It must hold k < dimension and k must be a multiple of n_objectives - 1. Huband et al. recommend k = 4 for two objectives and k = 2 * (m - 1) for m objectives. If None is set, this recommendation is used.
  • kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments, please refer to the optproblems documentation for more details.

Methods and Properties

  • search_space: Return the search space.
    • Returns: dict[str, optuna.distributions.BaseDistribution]
  • directions: Return the optimization directions.
    • Returns: list[optuna.study.StudyDirection]
  • __call__(trial: optuna.Trial): Evaluate the objective functions and return the objective values.
    • Args:
      • trial: Optuna trial object.
    • Returns: float
  • evaluate(params: dict[str, float]): Evaluate the objective functions and return the objective values.
    • Args:
      • params: Decision variable like {"x0": x1_value, "x1": x1_value, ..., "xn": xn_value}. The number of parameters must be equal to dimension.
    • Returns: float

The properties defined by optproblems are also available such as get_optimal_solutions.


Please install the optproblems package.

pip install -U optproblems


import optuna
import optunahub

wfg = optunahub.load_module("benchmarks/wfg")
wfg4 = wfg.Problem(function_id=4, n_objectives=2, dimension=3, k=1)

study_pareto = optuna.create_study(
    study_name="ParetoFront", directions=wfg4.directions
for x in wfg4.get_optimal_solutions(1000):  # Generate 1000 Pareto optimal solutions
        f"x{i}": x.phenome[i] for i in range(3)
study_pareto.optimize(wfg4, n_trials=1000)

study_tpe = optuna.create_study(
    sampler=optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=42), directions=wfg4.directions
study_tpe.optimize(wfg4, n_trials=1000)

    [study_pareto, study_tpe]



Huband, S., Hingston, P., Barone, L., & While, L. (2006). A review of multiobjective test problems and a scalable test problem toolkit. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10(5), 477-506.

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