OptunaHub / Evolutionary LLM Merge Sampler

A sampler for evolutionary LLM merge.

Package: samplers/evo_merge
Author: Optuna team
License: MIT License
Verified Optuna version: 3.6.1

Class or Function Names


pip install git+https://github.com/arcee-ai/mergekit.git
pip install sentencepiece accelerate protobuf bitsandbytes langchain langchain-community datasets
pip install pandas cmaes
export HF_TOKEN=xxx


sampler = EvoMergeSampler(base_config="path/to/config/yml/file")
study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler)

for _ in range(100):
    trial = study.ask()
    evo_merge_trial = EvoMergeTrial(study, trial._trial_id)
    model = evo_merge_trial.suggest_model()

    acc = try_model(model)

    study.tell(trial, acc)

print(study.trials_dataframe(attrs=("number", "value")))

See example.py for a full example. You need GPU with 16G VLAM to run this example. The following figures are obtained from the analysis of the optimization. History Plot Parallel Coordinate Plot



Akiba, T., Shing, M., Tang, Y., Sun, Q., & Ha, D. (2024). Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13187.