OptunaHub / Built-In

TPE Sampler

Sampler using TPE (Tree-structured Parzen Estimator) algorithm.

Timeline Plot

Plot the timeline of a study.

Terminator Improvement Plot

Plot the potentials for future objective improvement.

Slice Plot

Plot the parameter relationship as slice plot in a study.

Rank Plot

Plot parameter relations as scatter plots with colors indicating ranks of target value.

Random Search

Sampler using random sampling.

QMC Search

Sampler using Quasi Monte Carlo sampling.

PyCMA Sampler

A CMA-ES Sampler using cma library as the backend.

Percentile Pruner

Pruner to keep the specified percentile of the trials.

Partial Fixed Sampler

Sampler with partially fixed parameters.

Pareto-front Plot

Plot the Pareto front of a study.

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Plot the high-dimensional parameter relationships in a study.

Optimization History Plot

Plot optimization history of all trials in a study.


Sampler using NSGAIII algotithm.


Sampler using NSGAII algotithm.

Median Pruner

Pruner using the median stopping rule.

Intermediate Values Plot

Plot intermediate values of all trials in a study.

Hypervolume History Plot

Plot hypervolume history of all trials in a study.

Grid Search

Sampler using grid search.

Gaussian Process-Based Sampler

Sampler using Gaussian process-based Bayesian optimization.

Empirical Distribution Function Plot

Plot the objective value EDF (empirical distribution function) of a study.

Contour Plot

Plot the parameter relationship as contour plot in a study.

CMA-ES Sampler

A sampler using cmaes as the backend.

Brute Force Search

Sampler using brute force.

BoTorch Sampler

A Sampler using botorch library as the backend.